Emmanuel Macron launches his "great march" at the Sorbonne

At the Sorbonne on Tuesday afternoon, the French president wants to launch a solemn appeal to revive the debate on the political future of the EU and the euro area. First step: a great popular consultation across the European Union

The comparison returns quickly. In the entourage of Emmanuel Macron, the term "great European market" is greedily used to designate these "democratic conventions" that the French president will propose in his new speech on Europe, this Tuesday afternoon at the University of the Sorbonne, two days after the German parliamentary elections. Conventions are suggested in all EU Member States, who are, of course, free to organize them or not, if possible by summer 2018.

Towards a single opinion poll of Europeans

Goal? In the next eight months, popular consultations will be organised around an undoubtedly standardised opinion poll questionnaire in order to understand citizens' dismay at the functioning of the EU and - for those who have adopted it - the single currency. A voluntarist approach at a time when the German extreme right has made a resounding entry into the Bundestag: "We must not see in this project a form of French arrogance cleared by those around Presidency of the Republic. On the contrary, it is a matter of doing what governments are so afraid of: questioning themselves, knowing how to challenge themselves. Everyone is interested. "Emmanuel Macron will present the outline of his project at the Digital Summit of EU heads of state or government in Tallinn, Estonia, this Thursday evening and Friday.

