Who will seize control of the British inheritance?

Next round in the big agency casting show: This coming Saturday, the EU Commission wants to publish their assessment of those interested in the European Banking Agency (EBA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Both EU authorities are currently resident in London and must move in the course of the EU's exit from Great Britain 2019. The decision is to come from the Council in November.

In the race for the EMA, Vienna - together with 18 other EU metropolitan cities. As the banking supervision is likely to move to either Frankfurt or Paris, the pharmaceutical agency would have to be placed in a "new" Member State according to the EU's internal geographical parity - Bratislava, Bucharest, Sofia, Warsaw and Zagreb. The problem: EMA employees apparently do not want to move to Eastern Europe. According to an internal survey, up to 70 per cent of London employees could refuse the move and leave the agency if an unattractive location is awarded. This could lead to a "health crisis", the EMA warned. The Agency is responsible for the authorisation of medicines.

